<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<profile name="Air Antwerp" iata="WP" logo="WP2" color="Red" area="112" CEO=" Johan Maerten"
mentality="Moderate" market="Regional" preferedairport="ANR">
narrative="Air Antwerp is a Belgian regional airline operating out of Antwerp International Airport. It was founded in 2019 and is a join venture between KLM and CityJet. It consists of many former employees of the defunct VLM Airlines" />
<info real="True" from="2019" to="2199"></info>
<prefereds aircrafts="Fokker 50"></prefereds>
<route destination1="ANR" destination2="LCY"/>
<airliner type="Fokker 50" early="0" late="4"></airliner>