Hi again everybody! 
So today after a bit of gameplay I lost tracks of my airports in list.
So I was thinking, is it possible to implement a new tab, where only the airports where you have slots reserved would come up?
Maybe, this could help a bit to organize yourself.
What should be there:
- Country Flag
- Airport Name
- Airport IATA
- Scheduled Flights Sum
- Reserved Slots count
- Reserve slot button
- Check Scheduled Flights for this airport button (The game would put you back to the Routes section, where only the lines to the specific airport and from the specific airport would be shown).
I think this should work as a base for future development.
What do you guys think?
Have a nice day!

So today after a bit of gameplay I lost tracks of my airports in list.
So I was thinking, is it possible to implement a new tab, where only the airports where you have slots reserved would come up?
Maybe, this could help a bit to organize yourself.
What should be there:
- Country Flag
- Airport Name
- Airport IATA
- Scheduled Flights Sum
- Reserved Slots count
- Reserve slot button
- Check Scheduled Flights for this airport button (The game would put you back to the Routes section, where only the lines to the specific airport and from the specific airport would be shown).
I think this should work as a base for future development.

What do you guys think?

Have a nice day!