I will definitely look if there is a way to do another performance improvement for the next version.
That being said, I timed how long it takes to perform a full year in both 2.13.3 and 2.14 Patch B.
at a low amount of flights, it takes as long as the other version to complete the year.
With ~1000 routes it takes 30% longer to complete the year in v2.14.
But considered how much more complex the calculation is in v2.14, I think that's pretty neat.
The reason that it takes so long at season changes, or when changing your IFS settings is that it has to compare all flights against each other again.
While in v2.13 passengers were unaware that tomorrow comes another day.
+ This is the basis of having connecting flights and code sharing without taking another major hit on performance.
I probably can do a number of performance upgrades for the calculations that happen every day, but the season change will only upgrade about 1-5%.
The question is whether that's worth it, because that might take a while to complete.
I think it's more of a psychological thing. You see the game hang for a while not knowing what it's doing.
We'll add a progress bar for these events somewhere. That'll ease the pain, and show how quick the calculations are actually happening.
@Kwilson92, how many opponents / how many combined routes are you playing with?
What are your system specs?
A season change should take no longer than 1 minutes with a thousand routes..
Perhaps a little longer if you have complicated IFS settings.