
Historical Accuracy
We try our best to make the game as historical accurate as possible. To achieve this we let the planes, airports, worldmap, international relations and even the AIs desicions reflect the era you are playing in. You will have to adapt your network from 'milk-routes' to a hub network or even point to point travel. Your strategy will have to change as wars break out or decolonization sets in. Of course we give the player a list of options so they can finetune the game to their preferences.

Sandbox Mode with Many Settings
The Game will come with a sandbox mode. You will have many options to cater the sandbox to your personal preferences. You get to chose your budget, your fleet, but also things like the laws, restrictions and game rules you'd like to play with.

Customize the Cabin to your Needs
The seatmaps are customizable with great depth to suit your needs. Not only do you get to set generous settings for a comfortable First Class and a pitch as thight as possible for Economy, you also get a visual to see the cabin of your imagination come to life.

More Features TBA
As development progresses we will announce more features. Follow our social media or sign up for our newsletter to stay tuned!

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